

Authors: Luka Boršić, Ivana Skuhala Karasman [Introduction] [Bibliography] [The list of works]

KODRNJA, Jasenka

Jasenka Kodrnja

KODRNJA, Jasenka (Zagreb, 1946 – Zagreb, 2010), sociologist, philosopher, writer.

In 1971, she graduated in sociology and philosophy from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, and in 2000 she received her doctoral degree with a thesis The Social Position of Female Artists. She furthered her studies in France. She was a member of the group Women and Society and SOS Help-line for Women and Children Victims of Violence. She was employed at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, and she taught at the Centre for Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb. She wrote poetry (Zagreb is of Female Sex, Songs of the Female Galley Slaves) and prose (The Romance Shop, The Thirteenth Reasons for Silence) works.

WORKS: The Artist in Social Context, Zagreb, 1985; Nymphs, Muses, Eurynomes – Social Position of Women Artist in Croatia, Zagreb, 2001; Serpent Women – Gender Deconstruction, Zagreb, 2008.