

Authors: Luka Boršić, Ivana Skuhala Karasman [Introduction] [Bibliography] [The list of works]


Here you can find biographical and bibliographical data as well as some works of Croatian women philosophers in a bilingual Croatian-English version. We hope this data base will be of service to any Croatian and international reader as a starting point of evaluation of the role of women in philosophy and in humanities in general. We do also hope it may serve as a contribution to the affirmation of women in our society as well as an incentive to young women to choose a career in this area of studies.

The following criteria of listing were applied: 1. possession of a PhD in philosophy; 2. employment at a university-level or research institution in the area of philosophy; 3. publication of at least one book in the area of philosophy.

This is a work in progress and at this stage the list may not be complete; all possible omissions at this stage are unintentional. Since working on this list is a continuous engagement, we believe that all women philosophers meeting the above mentioned criteria will soon be on the list.

dr. sc. Luka Boršić
dr. sc. Ivana Skuhala Karasman