Kruno Krstić: Marko Marulić - the author of the term "psychology" - page 8

biography, in the list of Marulic’s works, between the titles of two
manuscripts: a treatise »On the Kings of Dalmatia« (Dalmatiae regum
liber I) and the epic »Davidias« (Davidiados carmen libri XIV). By
enumerating Marulic’s works »briefly«, as he says himself (»paucis
comprehensa«) Bozicevic sets forth 18 titles of either printed works or
manuscripts. Although it is quite obvious that Bozicevic quotes the titles
for the most part by heart and somewhat superficially (thus, for example,
the already mentioned title »Dalmatiae regum« conceals a translation of
Dukljanin’s chronicle), 17 works on the list can easily be identified with
Marulic’s printed works, preserved manuscripts, or the works that
Marulic himself mentioned as his own in his will (the manuscript of the
epic »Davidias« was discovered only a few years ago, containing exactly
as many — 14 — cantos as are quoted by Bozicevic). The work »Psichio-
logia« is known so far only from Bozicevic’s list but the possibility of its
being found in manuscript or even in printed form some day cannot be
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A passage with a list of Marulic’s works from »Vita Marci Maruli Spalatensis*
by F. Bozicevic-Natalis. The work »Psichiologia de ratione animae humane
L. I.« is listed in the seventh line.
In the title of the treatise on »the human souk, as is quoted by
Bozicevic, the term »psychology« is recorded as »psichiologia«. Although
the difference between the form »psichiologia« and »psychologia« is
insignificant (like that one between the doublet stoichiologia and
stoicheiologia), I do not think it likely that Marulic, an outstanding
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