Franciscus Patricius: Discussionum peripateticarum tomus secundus (Liber V-VIII) - page 348

Popis izvora grčkih citata
De partibus animalium
, ed. P. Louis, Aristote,
Les parties des animaux
, Paris,
Les Belles Lettres, 1956.
Aristotelis Physica
, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1966.
Aristotelis qui fertur liber de mundo
, ed. W. L. Lorimer, Paris, Les Belles
Lettres, 1933.
De respiratione
] Aristotle,
Parva naturalia
, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford, Claren-
don Press, 1970.
Aristotelis de animalium motione et de animalium incessu
Ps.-Aristotelis de spi-
ritu libellus
, ed. W. Jaeger, Leipzig, Teubner, 1913.
De sensu et sensibilibus
] Aristotle,
Parva naturalia
, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford,
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, ed. W. D. Ross,
Aristotelis politica
, Oxford, Clarendon
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(repr. 1964
, ed. W. D. Ross,
Aristotelis ars rhetorica
, Oxford, Clarendon Press,
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De Xenophane, de Zenone, de Gorgia
Aristotelis Opera
, vol. 2., ed. I. Bekker,
Berlin, Reimer, 1960.
Platonis Opera
, vol. 1–5., ed. J. Burnet, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1967.
AËTIUS Doxographus,
De placitis reliquiae (Stobaei excerpta)
, ed. H. Diels,
Doxographi Graeci
, Berlin, Reimer, 1879 (repr. De Gruyter, 1965).
Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker
, ed. H. Diels and W.
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Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker
, ed. H. Diels and W.
Kranz, vol. 1., 6th edn., Berlin, Weidmann, 1951 (repr. Dublin–Zürich, 1966).
Phil. Fragmenta
, ed. H. Thesleff,
The Pythagorean texts
of the Hellenistic Period
bo Akademi,
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Phil. Fragmenta
, ed. H. Thesleff,
The Pythagorean texts of
the Hellenistic Period
bo Akademi,
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, ed. O. Stählin, L. Früchtel and
U. Treu,
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